Building your community of support can be an important way to stay positive and feel confident throughout the day.
Click on the members of your community below to find out how they can support you:
Remember all the ways other people with epilepsy can relate to you. Reaching out to the community and getting involved can make you feel like you’re not alone.
Tracking seizures
Talking to doctor
Taking AEDs
Other people with epilepsy(support)
Remember that you are the most important member of your healthcare team. Other members of your healthcare team can help you in different ways.
Your friends, family members, and other caregivers can also support you. They can help you with self-management of epilepsy, such as making sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy, and are safe at home.
Talking to other people living with epilepsy may be very helpful. Only another person with epilepsy can really understand how you feel and what you're dealing with. You might want to join:
Support groups are a great way to connect with others who have epilepsy. They can help you in a lot of ways:
Your coworkers can support you by making sure you are safe at work.
Online support groups might also be called online communities. Here are some recommended, well-known, online communities for people with epilepsy:
Researching the Epilepsy Foundation and Epilepsy Alliance is a good way to find support groups that give you a chance to meet other people with epilepsy. There might be different types of groups you can join in your local community, such as: